Acquisition Machine for a Hotel Cleaning Service

What initially started as an internal app development project turned into a complete overhaul of the brand and its lead generation strategy.

Gero Jücker and I noticed that the German cleaning provider landscape, with a few exceptions, was lacking in digital marketing efforts. From this point, as a two-man team, we envisioned a new approach to capture market share and drive growth.

Within just two months (May - July 2024), we filled the sales pipeline with 22 potential clients, achieving a combined monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of €150,000 - €200,000. This figure excludes two high-ticket clients who alone would have accounted for similar volumes.

Google Ads Performace (it's very nice)

We accomplished this by revamping the brand, setting up a new website, and executing a combination of traditional sales tactics (phone+LinkedIn) and primarily Google Search Ads, which required a modest budget of only around €650.

As of August 2024, we are working closely with the CEO to close these deals and are now transitioning to running recruitment campaigns to address the employee gap.

The Contact Section of the Website

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